Immigration Lawyer in Ontario

Our Immigration Lawyer Services

Canadian immigration law provides foreign nationals with rights to live, work or visit Canada legally. Our trained professionals are here to determine what immigration route to take, in order to make the very best application to Immigration Canada. One thing that must be made clear there are no guarantees in immigration, if there is anyone that states they guarantee your immigration, we urge you to contact Immigration Canada immediately. Immigration Canada makes the final judgement on all application, they alone are the decision makers of your immigration applications, this is the reason that we urge you to submit fully completed application packages and as such our immigration lawyers are here to help you in your application process.

Spousal Sponsorship

If you are a Canadian citizen or permanent resident and you have married a foreign national, according to the laws of Canada you have the right to bring your spouse to Canada. Now kindly pay attention to the word, right. You as a Canadian citizen or permanent resident have the right to bring your spouse to Canada as long as you have a valid marriage and are deemed able to sponsor your spouse by immigration Canada.

Parental Sponsorship

In addition to the sponsorship of your spouse you as a permanent resident or citizen of Canada have the ability to sponsor your parents and grandparents, as well as your relatives, your adopted child, and even your children or grandchildren, however in all of these applications it is not your right to bring these family members to Canada as it is for your spouse, you must meet financial and other considerations in order for your application to become successful.

Whether you need to sponsor your spouse, parents or children our Immigration lawyers are here to guide you through the process and ensure your very best application is made.

Provincial Nominee Program

Another route to not only acquiring a work permit but also acquiring permanent residence in Canada is through the Provincial Nominee Program. This program is offered by the various provinces and territories in Canada for individuals who are interested in settling in the specific province.

The process by which you apply for becoming a provincial nominee is by first applying to a specific program in a specific province or territory. Once the province has nominated you, you then must apply to Immigration Canada for permanent residence.

Our trained immigration professionals are here to help you determine which province or territory best fits your skill set and provides you with the best opportunity at success.

Study in Canada with our immigration lawyer services

Student Visa

Many students around the world wish to receive a foreign degree, either to further their studies or procure a masters in the particular field of study. If you are a foreign national looking to continue their post graduate studies Canada might be the destination for you. In order to study at an institution in Canada one must first procure a study permit. The study permit is a document which will allow you to study at a designated learning institution in Canada. Now in addition to the study permit depending on your country of origin you might also need a temporary resident visa, and if so this will be issued as part of your study permit.

Travelling During Study

Many students wonder will they be permitted to travel during their study breaks such as Christmas or summer holidays. They are fearful that if they travel their student permit will lapse. If you are planning to travel outside of Canada during your school break you will need to provide proof of your enrollment in your school and ensure that your visa is still valid. If you have proof of both these documents, you should have no issues in spending time with loved ones during your school holiday breaks.


The expense of studying in Canada can be quite expensive, and many foreign nationals will be concerned as to how they will manage their day to day finances once in Canada. While you are a full-time post-secondary student and you have a valid study permit and have received your social insurance number you are permitted to work on your school campus without the need to have a work permit.

In many cases students are also allowed to work off campus without a work permit, however, you must meet certain considerations such as you must have a valid study permit, be enrolled as a full-time student at a designated post-secondary school in a designated academic program, currently be studying, with a study permit that has a condition printed on it that allows you to work on or off campus along with other conditions.

Spouse of Student with Valid Study Permit

A spouse of a student permit holder who is a full-time student at a post-secondary school with a valid study permit may apply for an open work permit.

Our trained immigration lawyers are here to help in all of your study permit needs.

Citenzenship Application

A spouse of a student permit holder who is a full-time student at a post-secondary school with a valid study permit may apply for an open work permit.

Our trained immigration lawyers are here to help in all of your study permit needs.

Use Our immigration lawyer services for refugee or asylum

A refugee is a person who has fled their country and is a temporarily in a second country. While in the second country the refugee can apply there or in a third country to be defined as a refugee. There are two methods by which you can apply for refugee status.

Outside Canada

In order to come to Canada as a refugee from outside Canada you and your family must be referred by the United Nations Refugee Agency (UNHCR) via a designated referral organization, or a private sponsorship group has the ability to refer you. What many applicants get wrong is there thought process that they can apply directly as a refugee which is not the case.

Inside Canada

If you are already inside Canada and you feel that if you returned to your home country that you would face the risk of torture, a risk to you of your families life, or a risk of cruel and unusual punishment, you have the ability to seek refugee status in Canada.

No matter where you are in the world our Immigration Lawyers are here to help and figure out what your best course of action is.