Family Lawyer in Markham
One of the most emotionally charged and life-altering fields of law is family law. Entering a family law dispute can be extremely stressful, oftentimes such a legal matter will involve the breakdown of a relationship, which adds an emotional and financial element to the matter. We understand this can be a challenging time, as such it is important that you are provided with sound and prompt legal assistance to ensure the legal decisions you make today provide the foundation for the future you will be entering into at the conclusion of the matter. Our experienced team is here to hear your concerns and work with you in tailoring your family law dispute to fit your priorities, ensuring that you will thrive in your new life.
Our services in family legal matters include but are not limited to:
- Divorce/Divorce Mediation
- Separation Agreements
- Child Support/Child Custody/Access
- Division of property
- Prenuptial agreements & Marriage Agreements
- Arbitration/Collaborative Family Law
Our team is here to serve your needs and all of your family law issues, give us a call and book your 30-minute free in-person consultation so that we may better understand your matter. We are knowledgeable lawyers and are ready to help!
Child custody and child access
Many clients come into the family law or divorce process not understanding the difference between custody and access, oftentimes the thought process is both these terms are one and the same. This cannot be further from the truth.
Custody arrangements are most simplistically understood as decision-making powers for the child. Here we determine who the child will primarily reside with. As such, who will make the decisions for the child and whether these decisions will be made unilaterally or jointly. Naturally, the legal decisions made here will not only affect the parents, but they can have a lasting effect on the children. As such, we ensure that significant amounts of time are spent with the clients in determining the most effective solution and appropriate language to be employed in dealing with custody matters.
Parenting Time on the other hand deals with the physical time that a parent has with the child. The law dictates that access to both parents is a right that every child has. However, a determination has to be made with respect to whether or not access is supervised or not, and this will most often be based on protection concerns. Will access be overnight due to the child’s comfort level or age, which can at times be factors in this determination? What type of parenting plans will the parents have? This can be an extremely sensitive area, which we concentrate on with our clients to ensure we find the best legal outcomes for both our clients and with the children that it will affect, in mind.
Child support and section 7 expenses

The best possible outcome for both parties is one in which the parties are able to mutually agree to terms, whether it be in the form of a parenting plan, an asset division agreement, or an all-encompassing separation agreement. When the parties are able to agree to such an agreement, the decision-making powers are taken out of a third party’s hands and instead, the terms and rules upon which both parties will part ways are determined by themselves. Naturally, such agreements can only come to fruition when there is a possibility of cooperation between the parties, and if and when such an environment exists, this is one of the preferred ways of resolving a family dispute.
Our dedicated team is here to investigate all matters pertaining to your family law issues. Feel free to call us or email us so that we can get you in touch with a divorce lawyer to begin the entire process of creating a road map to the beginning of a new chapter in your life. Our array of family law services is at your disposal!

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625 Cochrane Dr. Suite 804,
Markham, Ontario L3R 9R9416-900-1090 (Fx)
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